Built in the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Temple of Heaven is the center of prayer, traditional ceremonies and sacrificial rites. The air is so fresh, the long wide marble road, can make you think about how powerful the emperor was. Visitors are only allowed to peek into the hall, but it is enough for one to be amazed at the level of craftmanship. You could easily spend all day here like many local Chinese seem to do. The area is big, so do acquaint yourself with the map and plan what route to take to see all that you want to see. Some buildings are being renovated for the Beijing Olympics, but the rest is well worth the visit.
Getting around in Beijing couldn't be any easier. The Beijing subway is the quickest and cheapest way to get around the city with low level pollution. Subway trains arrived every few minutes, however carriages are always crowded. Tickets cost only 2 yuan, regardless of destination. The route signs are bilingual and useful maps showing station exits are located in every platform.
You can take Subway Line 2 and get off at the Chongwenmen station, then take a taxi for 10 yuan.
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