eBay, the world's online auctioneer has been ordered to pay a solid 40 million Euro / $63 million for not being able to stop auctions selling counterfeit goods. The lawsuit against eBay was brought on by the LVMH(Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessey) group, which includes big names like Louis Vuitton, Givenchy and Christian Dior, and it saw the website accused of not doing its best to keep people from selling fake designer bags and perfumes. Tiffany & Company in the United States has also sued eBay, but the case is pending.
THANK GOODNESS.. I never buy goods on ebay cause of the fact.. of people being able to sell fake goods. It's not fair.. how some people get screwed. eBay can be a nasty place for the unwary and I don't think it's going to get any better. If it is true that 90% of the Louis Vuitton bags and Dior perfumes on eBay are fakes, shutting down the trade in these items on eBay may be reasonable. Perhaps this is the price eBay has to pay for not taking any real precautions. Let’s hope that eBay learned a lesson from this and will take bigger steps to prevent fakes being sold on the site.
Critics and trademark holders are looking more for a way to guarantee authenticity and possibly including series and/or serial numbers of the items for sale.
Whoa!! Ladies check your bags and now that I’m thinking about it, men check your wallets too…
u can sue ebay also for misrepresentation i.e. selling fake goods to u
eBay should keep a tighter restraint on the fake items on their site, even though there are so many it'd be hard to control. Not really my problem though. I'd never buy stuff on ebay in the first place.
Hmmm should've done this ages ago. Fake things has been going around for ages in eBay and since I'm one of the seller/buyer (mostly books), my advice is to really check the product.
If you're paying half a fraction for a Gucci bag then should check why but if it's books, you can guarantee it's original :-) just have to check whether it's in a good condition or termites-infested
i appreciate your advice. thanks for the useful tips.
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