This week, the legendary Neil Diamond played mentor for the remaining five contestants. He was a big name from the 60s to the 80s. I guess this time, when Brooke needed the support most, the fans were just not there. Obviously, as fate and voters have it, her fan base was not as large as other contestants.
Brooke White didn't perform her best on Wednesday evening. It wasn't the first time, she had to struggle with the rhythm of the song. She always felt so intense during her performance. I bet if Carly Smithson was still in the competition she would have really sung some terrific Neil Diamond tunes. I thought the '2 Davids' have a pretty good potential of reaching the Top 2. Well, that's my personal opinion. Infact, I thought the most deserving to go home for the week was Jason Castro. His performance really sucks. Now that Brooke is gone and Jason lives on.
Personally, American Idol show has been great fun for me but it's disheartening to watch the truly talented ones receiving their exit ticket early, just because they are not that popular among the Idol fans. The final 4 will be singing rock and roll on May 6th and 7th, 2008. It's going to be an awesome night!
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